Mission Statement:
The goal of this team is to increase speed and skills in biking, running, open water swimming and triathlon transitions in preparation for the triathlon season in a fun and supportive team setting. Additionally, the goal is to prepare HPT athletes for USAT Youth/Junior Elite Cup races and USAT Youth/Junior Elite Nationals.
Requirements for Joining the High Performance Team (HPT):
- Swim 2:00 min/100 yd or faster (100 yards in 2:00 minutes or less)
- Bike at least 14mph continuously for 60minutes
- Run a minimum 10:00 minute/mile
- Must be able to swim in open water
Required Gear:
- Road bike (the team owns 2 youth and 1 adult XS road bike that are available to borrow for free – first come first server – for season loans with the understanding that the athlete will pay for a tune-up before returning the bike)
- Road bike tire changing kit (on your bike, including CO2 + value converter + spare tube + 2 levers)
- Water bottle cage on bike + water bottle at all practices
- Helmet
- Elastic shoelaces in your running shoes
- Race belt
Recommended Gear:
- Clip-in bike shoes with clip-in pedals
- Wetsuit – get 70% off Xterra wetsuits, use code Turnagain-CO at checkout!
- Swim buoy – get 70% off Xterra buoys, use code Turnagain-CO at checkout!
- Bike/tri shorts
Team capacity is capped at 15. If the team is full, a waitlist will be made. There is a possibility of adding additional assistant coaches, and in that case, we can accommodate more members on the team.)
What’s Included with Joining the Team:
- Weekly practices
- Winter/Spring Athletes will be the opportunity to borrow a trainer, riser, and trainer travel bag for $20/season.
- Athletes will have the opportunity to borrow a team road bike
- Opportunity to purchase team uniforms
- Access to rent a wetsuit for open water swims for FREE
- Discounts, other benefits, and swag from our sponsors, including a team shirt!
- Free clinics
- Coaching support at many of the local triathlons
- Coaching support at TriMonroe and USA Triathlon Youth/Junior Nationals
- 20% off any Turnagain Training services
- End of the season party!!
Interested in joining the team? Questions? Email Heather@TurnagainTraining.com
** A special THANK YOU to the USAT Foundation for sponsoring SIX of our Alaskan youth athletes to attend USAT Youth Nationals 2022!! **
If you would like to support our athletes, we have more information here.
2024 Schedules
**All athletes must have a current USAT license for the entire duration of the training session they are signed up for.**
Summer Team Schedule:
**All athletes must have a current USAT license for the entire duration of the training session.**
June: Bike skills focus
July: Open Water Swimming focus
Wednesdays 6-7:30pm
Location: Kincaid Park