***SUMMER 2024***
Mission: To get more kids to become involved in the sport of triathlon in the state of Alaska by providing inclusive, fun races for kids 19 and under, from beginners in life jackets through the competitive level.
Race Description: This a FUN Kid’s only SwimRun race series with 3 Tuesday night races, every other week in the Summer at Service High, focused on encouraging kids to live a physical active lifestyle. The race starts with a swim in Service High School Pool followed by a run *AROUND SERVICE HIGH SCHOOL SIDEWALKS*
3 Tuesday Nights in the Summer
July 1st, July 15th, & July 29th, 2025
Service High School Pool & Service Track
Ages; 19 and under
This year there are 2 options!
– Kid’s Splash n’ Dash!
– Kid’s Dash!
This is a super fun, kids only, SwimRun race series at Service High School. Kids will decide if they want to swim in the shorter “Sea Otters” race or the longer “Puffins” race. The Sea Otter’s race is a 50meters, 1 lap (down & back = 1 lap) swim, followed by a transition in the parking lot to a .5mile run, 1 lap around Service High School sidewalks. Life jackets are welcome! The Puffin’s will complete a 300yard, 6 lap swim, transitioning in the parking lot to a 2 lap run around Service High, 1.0miles total. After the race we will have super fancy finishers medals, and post race snacks for all finishers. Every kid that signs up by June 1st will receive a race t-shirt, swag bag, and a custom race bib! Shirt sizing for those that signup late will be limited to first to sign up, first served. Top 3 Overall Boys/Girls in each age group in the splash n dash series will win a custom race towel at the awards party. We will post series rankings after every race. Awards party, FREE family fun run & root beer social is July 30th, 2025 at Ray Stork Park @ 6pm, all are welcome!
Our Kid’s Dash is for those that just want to run ONLY! Our dash will happen at the same location and on the same run course as the Splash n’ Dash, starting runners from a line near the exit to the transition area to allow for all kids to have the same run experience and comparable run times to their friends. Dash racers will all run 1 lap, .5miles total. Dash racers will start at 3 wave start times, 6pm, 6:30, or 7pm. We will start the first dash runner at the same time the first Splash n’ Dash swim wave begins. Top 3 Overall Boys/Girls in each age group in the dash series will win awards at the awards party. We will post series rankings after every race. Awards party, FREE family fun run & root beer social is July 30th, 2025 at Ray Stork Park @ 6pm, all are welcome!
Sign your child up for 3 events (this could be a mix of virtual & in-person) and you’ll get $10 off at checkout!
$20 November 1st through April 1st
$22 April 1st through June 1st
$25 June 1st till race day
NO in-person registration! Registration closes 10pm the night before race day!
$50 for the entire series if signed up by May 14th
$65 for the entire series after May 15th
$10/1year USA Triathlon License REQUIRED for all participants
Field is limited to 200 kids per race!!!
All entries are non-refundable, non-transferable, non-deferrable, no exceptions.
5-7pm Bib pick-up and transition is OPEN. There is only race day event bib pickup.
6-7PM START – This is a rolling start so families are able to show up and start anytime between 6-7:15pm. Pool door will close at 7:15pm. MIDDLE SCHOOL & HIGH SCHOOL WAVE BEGINS AT 7:15PM.
SEA OTTER RACE: Great race for a beginner/non-competitive swimmer
SWIM 50meters (1 lap) of the pool; there will be 2 kids per lane.
RUN .5mile (1 lap) run around Service High school sidewalks.
SWIM 300meters (6 lap) of the pool; there will be 2 kids per lane.
Parents need to help with counting puffin’s laps!
RUN 1.0miles (2 laps) running around Service High school sidewalks.
GIVEAWAYS!!! Every participant will receive race swag! Also, every finisher will receive a medal at the finish line along with finish line treats at the finish line, thank you to our sponsors!
**We are currently looking for a food sponsor, if you know of one interested, please reach out to us! Heather@turnagaintraining.com**
RACE SHIRTS: Sign up by June 1st to ensure your child received a FREE race t-shirt. After June 1st, t-shirts will be limited to the first come, first served with all remaining t-shirt stock. We will provide t-shirts are race #2 & 3 for series racers only.
AWARDS: July 30th, 2025 @ 6pm @ Ray Stork Pavilion on Clarks Rd. at the top of Rabbit Creek Rd. Top 3 Overall Boys/Girls in each age group in the splash n dash series will win a custom race towel at the awards party. Top 3 Overall Boys/Girls in each age group in the dash series will win custom race elastic laces at the awards party. There are no awards for virtual racers but you are welcome to join us at the awards party! We will post series rankings after every race. Top 3 tie breakers will be determined by the athlete with the fastest overall time of the 3 races.
Age Groups (USAT rules apply, age is determined by age as of 12/31/24, not race day age):
Girls/Boys Ages 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17
Males & Females Non-Binary ADT1
Non-Binary (ADT1)
NeuroDiverse (ADT2)
Youth State Series: This year’s Alaska Splash n’ Dash is also part of the Alaska Youth State Series!
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! – Duties: check-in tent, transition area, run course support, and finish line help.
All volunteers will receive a free hat, access to post race food, and 1 FREE future Turnagain Training race. Please email Heather@turnagaintraining.com after the race to request a discount code!
Scholarships are available through the NicStrong Foundation. Email Heather@turnagaintraining.com.
SOME OF OUR FAVORITE RACE DAY PHOTOS FROM SUMMER 2021 (all photos can be found on Turnagain Training’s Facebook page photo albums!):